Mature Skin and Fatty Acids

Mature Skin and Fatty Acids

Customers have asked which of our products are better for mature skin, and whether we would recommend our Hand & Body Butter or our Body Jelly?  Both are rich in ingredients that would support mature skin, so really it is a matter of preference, but we wanted to share a bit more about the science behind our natural ingredients. 

We have been sign posted, with regards to diet, to low-fat and no-fat options but it is interesting to note that, in reference to what we can call 'healthy fats', the tide has absolutely turned.  Certain fats are needed within the diet for healthy skin (see The Healthy Skin Kitchen by Karen Fischer), mind and body (see A Nutritionist’s Guide To Fat). 

It is also beneficial to apply 'fats' in the form of plant based preprations to help to improve the condition of skin.  Your skin produces its own Fatty Acids but not Essential Fatty Acids.  These acids are found in plant oils and plant butters which we can add from an outside sources (i.e. creams, oils and butters) to aid the skin's ability to replenish and rebalance. 
Although the natural ageing process, cannot be changed - and at No Secrets we wouldn't try to tell you it can(!) - the arrival of drier skin can be supported by beautiful rich plant oils.

So Hand and Body Butter or Body Jelly?

The key ingredients in our Body Butter - Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter and Jojoba seed oil - are all wonderfully high in Oelic Acid which works beautifully to support the natural fatty acids in the skin. Oelic Acid offers moisturising and softening properties to our skin as well as a potential reduction in dry skin and scaling. 

In Body Jelly we include Macadamia Seed Oil which is high in Palmitoleic Acid which is great for mature skin as our own production of this naturally decreases with age.  The grape seed oil is also a star as this is very high in Linoleic Acid which is an essential fatty acid that the skin barrier needs to remain healthy and self-repair. The Kukui seed oil’s profile also has Oleic Acid (as mentioned above with regards to Shea Butter).

A key question for you is: when would you normally use such a product?  

Feedback from customers suggest that the Hand and Body Butter is great to use at any time of the day and is very quickly absorbed.  
The Body Jelly needs more commitment as you have to work in a little at a time!  It isn’t as quickly absorbed so is better, perhaps, to use in the evenings.   
The Body Jelly recently was Highly Commended in the Natural Health Beauty Awards and received a Silver Award in the Freefrom Skincare Awards where one of the testers commented:
'The skin on my body feels a lot more supple and nourished since using the product for the month. I am very happy with the results from using this product as the skin on my body can be quite tight and dry but not since using this.'

Which fragrance? 

Scent choice is such a personal thing and, it has been said that we are drawn - from an aromatherapy point of view - to the oils which offer the properties that we need.  However, the essential oils in Blend Four e.g. the geranium and patchouli are more commonly recommended for mature skin.

Lorna's Personal Thought!

Personally I feel the Body Jelly is the more interesting and exciting product.  It is also so pure, being just the oils.  However, it is a totally personal choice and I tend to use the Hand and Body Butter throughout the day and keep a pot of the Jelly for bedtime! (It is simply amazing at keeping those dry heels under control!).
Which fragrance: to date I am always drawn to 'One' I simply love it. The refreshing scent of the Bergamot and the Eucalyptus just cuts through it.  I find it so balancing.
Do drop us an email via the contact page if you have any more questions on this point. 
hand cream for mature skin
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