Me Time Musings Christmas 2020

Me Time Musings Christmas 2020

What we're reading, cooking, thinking about and loving this Christmas. Enjoy!

Bath-time Reading

Although no one is having their perfect Christmas this year, this book helps you carve out what your ideal Christmas would be.  It suggests strategies as to how you may be able to move away from the elements you don't normally enjoy, and focus on the parts that you do.  It's interesting and thought provoking! For more information see Beth Kempton Calm Christmas

Calm Christmas


On drawing the curtains early one Saturday morning this month, I saw two lovely young deer in the field outside our house.  How magical it was.  I managed to get a quick snap with my phone before they pranced away over the field; it's grainy but totally authentic!  I was delighted to share the little video clip with my niece and nephew, being able to tell them that the reindeer were practicing!   In Calm Christmas, Beth talks about spirit animals.  A deer symbolises tenderness tempered with strength. 

We can ask of the deer to '...lend us their secret, so we may all approach the festive season with tenderness tempered with strength.'

That's surely needed in buckets this year! 

deer in field_Tonbridge_Kent


Definitions of the word 'present' extend beyond the wrapped variety.  They include existing or occurring now, or being in a particular place.  With the events of 2020 still impacting our lives in a huge way, enjoying the present and valuing small things will be so important this Christmas.  Watching a bird flying, a leaf dancing or a flame flickering are all things I try to pause to appreciate.  The RSPB has a great website to help you identify which bird you are looking at. 


We had some bananas left over and - with Christmas in mind - looked for a recipe for Ginger and Banana Cake.  This one is great.  I'd love to show you a picture of our cake, but it was eaten too quickly so this is illustrative! And doesn't it look fabulous with a glass of mulled wine. 

ginger and banana loaf
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